PTA Plan of work Online Form

Welcome to our first ever digital Plan of Work form, a form that Board Leaders, Administration, and Teachers fill out to request PTA funds for the next year. The PTA Board takes all submitted forms and compares them to the expected income for the following year to put together our budget. Board Members, please get with your “department leader” to consolidate your Plans of Work. For example, under Classroom Engagement we have Room Parents, Teacher Appreciation and Eagles Care. Ideally the VP of Classroom Engagement would fill out one Plan of Work for their department and itemize out their funding requests in the table below.

Please fill out the below fields and sign at the bottom, then click the button to send your form. Adobe Sign will need you to also enter your email address to confirm your identity for security purposes, but the prompts will walk you through it. When you are done, your form will automatically be emailed to our PTA Treasurer.