North Hi Mount: A Blue Zones Certified School

In 2015, after much work and engagement, Fort Worth was named a certified Blue Zones community. North Hi Mount was one of the schools that contributed to this certification by becoming a Blue Zones certified school. Read on to learn what the Blue Zones are about and how North Hi Mount worked to make healthy choices the easy choice for our students!


The Blue Zones

The Blue Zones were discovered by National Geographic fellow Dan Buetner. He traveled the world looking for populations that had the most centenarians (100 year olds), where people lived long healthy lives. He identified five places around the world: Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece; Loma Linda, California.

Buetner, along with a team of demographers and researchers identified that all Blue Zone areas share nine specific lifestyle habits. They named these habits the Power 9. (1)

The Power 9

All Blue Zone areas share these nine common principles. By following these principles, all of us can live longer healthier lives!

Move Naturally

The world’s longest living people don’t run marathons or visit the gym, movement is a part of daily life. Walking, gardening, and cleaning all promote physical fitness.


Centenarians all know their purpose, why they wake up in the morning. A sense of purpose is unique to each individual, and having one adds 7 years to one’s life.

Down Shift

People who live in the Blue Zones take time to relax, whether that is through meditation, reading a book, taking a nap, or simply being, they understand the importance of de-stressing.

80% Rule

In Okinawa, Japan, there is a phrase “Hara hachi bu” which reminds people to stop eating once feeling 80% full. This strategy prevents overeating and encourages mindfulness.

Plant Slant

Centenarians are not vegans or even vegetarians, but they do make plants the star of their meals. They fill their plates with nutrient rich fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Meat, usually pork, is enjoyed on occasion.

Wine at 5

While it is not recommended that someone add alcohol to their diet, centenarians do enjoy a healthy relationship with it. The act of drinking with friends and family promotes a sense of belonging and downshifting.

Right tribe

All of the centenarians were either born into or chose social circles with people that shared their values and healthy behaviors. 


Most centenarians belong to a faith based community. Denominations vary, but the benefit of experiencing a sense of being part of something greater remains the same.

Loved Ones First

The world’s longest lived people put their family first above all else. Aging parents and grandparents live with family or nearby, and help take care of children. (2)


The Power 9 at School

Promoting the Power 9 at school, except for wine at 5, is exactly what becoming a Blue Zones certified school is about. Schools are required to take a pledge, and implement and enforce policies and programs suggested by the Blue Zones team. Below are a few examples of how North Hi Mount has met the challenge!

  • Walking School Bus: To promote natural movement, students walk with adult leaders to school in the morning on the last Friday of the month. Currently, students can meet at Monticello Park, and sometimes CVS off Camp Bowie, at 7:20 AM.

  • Healthy Celebrations Policy: Rather than rewarding students with food treats, prizes such as small toys or giveaways are provided. Instead of ice cream or pizza party celebrations, a focus on fun without food has taken precedent. Classes are rewarded with free dress days, Zombie tag parties, craft making parties, and more.

  • Maintain a School Garden: North Hi Mount has a beautiful garden, along with composting and rainwater collection.

  • Walkathon Fundraiser: Rather than sell candy or cookie dough, North Hi Mount hosts a walkathon where students and their families walk or run laps, together as one collective, around the playground.

  • Promotion of Healthy Snacks and Lunches: Parents are encouraged to pack healthy choices for snacks and lunches and asked not to send sugary beverages. For birthday celebrations, rather than sweet treats, alternative ideas are suggested.


Will YOU help us continue to make the healthy choice the easy choice?
As part of the North Hi Mount family, we can all work together to instill healthy habits in our students.

Author: Vahista B. Ussery, MS, MBA, RDN

Vahista is a registered dietitian nutritionist and chef and co-founder of To Taste, a culinary nutrition consulting company. She also is a mother of 2 young boys, including a kindergarten student at North Hi Mount. Vahista serves as the Healthy Lifestyles Chair for the PTA as well as the Co-Chair of Tarrant County Food Policy Council’s Children’s Health Group. She loves educating friends, family, and the community on nutrition and healthy cooking techniques.